skoda parked up

The whole kit and caboodle

Our whole life cost methodology helps you understand the actual cost of running a vehicle. Not just its on-the-road price. From purchase to tax impacts and maintenance to disposal, you get the cost, the whole cost and nothing but the cost.

Driving down costs

Using a whole life cost approach can help to cut costs.

It opens the door to accurate cost comparisons, which in turn, helps establish appropriate vehicle choices.

The result? A vehicle with a higher purchase or rental price can actually cost significantly less than a cheaper model over its lifetime.

So, as well as savings for your business, whole life cost can help you afford to offer better quality vehicles to your employees than you thought.


Calculating the best deal for your fleet.

To deliver our comprehensive true lifetime cost analysis, we use software that’s certified by a professional services company.

Our whole life cost calculation is based on the full term of the lease and considers:

  • Finance cost
  • Maintenance cost
  • Recoverable VAT on finance and maintenance costs (including any restrictions that may apply)
  • Corporation Tax relief (including restriction for cars vehicles with CO₂ emissions over 110g/km)
  • National Insurance payable on the Benefit-in-Kind, as applicable
  • Cost of fuel for business mileage (taking into consideration the fuel type and fuel efficiency of the vehicle)
  • Insurance cost

Taking all these factors into account reveals your true fleet running costs.


Down to the last detail

Our multi award-winning Pulse platform pinpoints the true whole life cost (WLC) of your fleet.

You’ll get a real-time, pence per mile calculation for every vehicle, down to the individual driver, model and derivative. So the impact of any changes is shown instantly and projected forward, as new vehicles come in and end of life vehicles are removed. As well as up to the minute accuracy, this enables you to benchmark the WLC of your fleet anonymously against others of a similar size.

Armed with this data, we’ll help you review your fleet and understand where efficiencies can be achieved. For example, through changing vehicle choices or adapting vehicle policy.


Still not sure?

Here’s a quick recap of the benefits of our whole life cost approach:

  • Vehicle choices optimised for cost reduction
  • Clarity of future costs, considering all known changes to taxes and NI
  • Improved vehicle choices – can also enable employees to drive more better vehicles than you thought
  • Reduced emissions
  • Better comparisons to plan for future changes

Plus, you’re getting The Zenith Difference:

  • 30 years of experience
  • Consultancy-led approach
  • Knowledgeable and friendly team

Want to know more?


Get in touch to find out more about whole life cost analysis today.