Zenith delivered immediate savings of 12%.
Zenith has developed a 5-year policy review framework to deliver long-term support.

The acquisitions meant that multiple fleet policies were inherited. For SBSUK, this was a key opportunity; a chance to align allowances, identify savings and increase the availability of ULEVs in-line with employee demand. The Zenith consultancy team led an in-depth policy review, focusing on five core areas.
1. Consolidation
To create a single group-wide policy, the Zenith consultancy team needed to truly understand the requirements of all user groups from car drivers to cash takers.
2. A brand-new, accurate methodology
The SBSUK fleet policy was restructured utilising the most accurate Whole Life Cost methodology reflecting actual business/private mileage splits and new tax rates. The outcome? A more robust and defined tiered structure within the policy, providing the opportunity for SBSUK to begin the transition to electric across the board.
Zenith were able to put forward recommendations for alternatively fuelled vehicles at all grades. Zenith also introduced a robust and comprehensive electric vehicle policy, covering all aspects from qualifying criteria to charging requirements.
3. Manufacturer review
Following a full manufacturer review, a more dynamic, future-proof choice list was recommended. This has enabled SBSUK to evolve its policy in-line with employee demands and the desire to reduce carbon footprint.
4. Finding the efficiency in electric
Increasing availability of EV and hybrid vehicles was an essential part of SBSUK’s requirements. Zenith were able to put forward recommendations for alternatively fuelled vehicles at all grades. Zenith also introduced a robust and comprehensive electric vehicle policy, covering all aspects from qualifying criteria to charging requirements.
5. The 5-year plan
And that’s not all. Our expert consultants developed a 5-year policy strategy, including everything from the continued transition to electric and policy evolution to cost and taxation. In an industry that’s constantly moving, we’re here to ensure SBSUK’s fleet is always in top gear.

Zenith delivered immediate savings of 12%.
Switching to a Whole Life Cost methodology has enabled transparency and cost control. SBSUK can now easily identify impacts of future taxation and vehicle costs on the choice of cars in each grade.
“Following recent business acquisitions, we expect our fleet to almost double in size and this has created the need for an in-depth consultancy-led review of our fleet policy. The key objective was to develop a single policy across multiple businesses with different inherited policies. Additionally, we wanted to increase the availability of EV/hybrid.
Our new single group-wide policy covers the requirements for all user groups, from car drivers, to cash takers and grey fleet users and has enabled us to create a more dynamic choice list in line with employee demands and new and future tax policy.
This consultancy-led review delivered immediate savings of 12%. Zenith has developed a 5-year policy review framework to deliver long-term support.”