Zenith’s top 5 tips for reducing waste at Christmas

27 / 11 / 18

O come all ye recyclers

8 million tonnes of plastic enter the ocean every year (PlasticOceans.uk). Thankfully, awareness of our planet’s problem with plastic is at an all-time high. We have a long way to go, but at Zenith, we’re vowing to make small changes that collectively can make a big difference.

We’re making a pledge to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic at the most elaborate time of year.

Here are five plastic-busting, habit-forming ways to reduce waste and have a sustainable Christmas. We hope that you’ll join us in our pledge.

1. It’s a wrap

At Christmas, it’s magical to witness the unwrapping of surprise gifts but not all wrapping paper can be recycled. In particular, textured paper and paper with glitter, foil and metallic-coloured coatings can’t be recycled. So how can you tell? Checking the label is the best start but as a quick guide, usually if it stays scrunched after you’ve screwed it into a ball, it’s recyclable (try it out on a small bit of your paper!).

2. Come unstuck

Instead of plastic-backed sticky tape, hold your wrapping together with eco sticky dots, natural yarn, string or paper twine. Say goodbye to plastic bows have had their day, and microplastics like glitter and turn to luxurious velvet ribbons or natural silk threads to bind gifts, which look beautiful and don’t cost the earth.

3. A powerful reason

No Christmas is complete without a need for batteries, especially if you have children in the house. Rechargeable batteries save money in the long run, or choose toys that can be plugged in to charge. Don’t forget to take spent batteries to the local supermarket or recycling centre to be disposed of safely.

4. Pull the other one

Think before you buy Christmas crackers, especially those that include single-use plastic toys. After all, how many plastic dice, golf tees and pencil sharpeners have you kept over the years, if you’re really honest? There’s plenty of choice for environmentally friendly crackers on the market or kits to make your own if you want to completely personalise the contents.

Instead crackers, why not hand out small, handmade decorations instead?

5. Seasons greetings

Sending a card, but avoiding unnecessary waste is entirely doable. As well as online advent calendars, Christmas e-cards are a fantastic idea. Or why not call rather than send a card at Christmas? Of course, many Christmas cards are recyclable or made from 100% recycled paper. But some cards are retailed in plastic wrappers, or boxes with single-use plastic covers, which is avoidable with a little shopping around.

Big change starts with small efforts.

Share your pledges and homemade Christmas decoration ideas with us on Twitter @ZenithVehicles

Find out the other ways that we’re making a change at Zenith


Zenith’s top 5 tips for sustainable Christmas gifts



Zenith’s top 5 tips for reducing food waste at Christmas



Zenith’s top 5 tips for sustainable Christmas décor