Zenith’s top 5 tips for sustainable Christmas gifts

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Have yourself a crafty little Christmas

It is estimated that over 90% of all seabirds have ingested plastic (PlasticOceans.uk). We can all do our part, so this Christmas at Zenith we’re are vowing to make a difference.

We’re making a pledge to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic at the most elaborate time of year.

Here are five of our plastic-busting, something-for-everyone Secret Santa gift ideas for colleagues, friends or family. We hope they might inspire you to join our pledge.

1. Make it

You can invest money or time in Christmas giving – either has the power to improve your eco credentials. If you can knit, you’ll earn brownie points by fashioning a snood or a pair of socks. If knitting isn’t your thing, check out local Christmas craft fairs for already crafter goods. Natural fibres are better when it comes to keeping warm in winter, so choose items made from natural wool blends, not acrylic viscose or nylon.

2. Bake it

At Christmas who can resist the lure of freshly baked mince pies, liquor-rich cakes, edible decorations, hampers and home brews? If you’re a dab hand in the kitchen, your efforts will go a long way to show you care.

3. Repurpose it

Challenge each other to upcycle or repurpose something for your Secret Santa. With only a basic knowledge of sewing, you could turn old Christmas jumpers into hot water bottle covers or a checked shirt into a Christmas stocking?

Stick, sew, paint or mend, see who can make the biggest transformation, but remember it’s a ‘no’ glitter!

4. Promise it

OK, so crafting isn’t for everyone. If making and baking isn’t up your street, give the gift of time. Whether it’s the promise to make tea in the office throughout January or volunteering for a local cause – find out what’s important to your gift recipient; it may be worth ten times more than a throw-away item.

5. Buy it

If you run out of time or prefer to buy gifts, look to retailers and manufacturers that hold eco credentials or support eco charities. Opt for plastic-free gifts: house plants (a poinsettia is traditional), bags for life, beeswax candles or books. Or shop for biodegradable goods or items made from 100% recycled plastic.

Big change starts with small efforts.

Share your pledges and homemade Christmas decoration ideas with us on Twitter @ZenithVehicles

Find out the other ways that we’re making a change at Zenith


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