Young girl looking out of the car window with ambition

Take a deep dive into our FY24 results

Welcome to our annual report, for the financial year ended 31 March 2024. Join us as we reflect on the story of our year and look forward to the road ahead.

It starts with you

staff workshop

We’re incredibly proud of our achievements and recognise that each and every one of you work so hard to make this possible. We encourage you to set aside some time, brew in hand, to reflect on the part you played in our FY24 story and also take the opportunity to delve into the highlights from across the business.

This year we’ve taken a more digital approach to our report, to help bring our business to life and share the journey we’ve been on in the last financial year.

We hope you enjoy reading it!

Our Annual Report 2024

Not sure where to begin?

Our Annual Report is packed full of interesting updates, so to help you navigate it, we’ve highlighted some of the sections you might want to check out below:

  • Group at a glance pages 5-7 – key stats on our business performance
  • Chair’s foreword pages 11-12 – read what Lord Stuart Rose is most proud of this year
  • CEO statement pages 13-15 – Tim answers questions about our performance and his highlights
  • Our business model pages 18-19 – the what, how and why we do what we do
  • Our strategy pages 21-22 – how we structure our business for optimal success
  • Our sustainability agenda pages 31-37 – see the launch of our People Powered Impact plan
  • Our people pages 41-47 – Stuart Price shares his people highlights along with a celebration of our ED&I progress
  • Technology pages 48-49 – Ian Gibson shares a summary of our achievements and transformation progress
  • Corporate and Consumer pages 50-66 – An overview from Ian Hughes on the key Corporate and Consumer division highlights
  • Commercial pages 67-72 – Martin Jenkins reflects on the progress made within the Commercial division
How to use the report

This will take you to the Contents page

contents icon

For all abbreviation and term definitions, please refer to the Glossary

glossary icon

Click on the arrows to move forwards or backwards a page

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These icons will pause or play a video

video icon

Words that are underlined are links, either to other pages in the report or to URLs

We’re pleased to share with you the story of our year

For the best viewing experience, we recommend that you access the report on a desktop. Simply click the image below, hit full screen and then use the forward arrow to navigate your way through.

Alternatively, click this link to view our Annual Report 2024.

Zenith's Annual Report 2024 cover

Tim Buchan shares our key highlights

"Given the external environment we’re operating in, I’m very proud of what the Zenith team have achieved.

We have continued to diversify our business by developing new propositions to reach new markets, while remaining focused on delivering brilliant customer outcomes and creating a thriving workplace for all our colleagues.

Overall, I’m incredibly proud of the people we have at Zenith. They are the heart of our business, and every day I witness remarkable examples of their dedication"

Tim Buchan, CEO

Tim Buchan, Zenith CEO Highlights | Zenith Annual Report 2024

Hear from our team

A Q&A with Martin Jenkins, Commercial CEO
A Q&A with Ian Hughes, Corporate and Consumer CEO
A Conversation with Stuart Price, Chief People Officer
Driving sustainable change, carbon literacy training